2 1/2 cups GF cereal of your choice
1 tbsp vegan butter of your choice, or coconut oil
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup peanut butter or almond butter
2 tbsp Cookie Drip
2 tbsp maple syrup
½ tsp sea salt
2 tbsp hemp seeds
Optional ingredients
cacao powder
Large stock pot
Wooden spoon
Mix all ingredients (except cereal and hemp seeds) together in a large dutch oven pot on super low temperature. Mix until thoroughly incorporated. Take off low heat. Add in cereal, one cup at a time, stirring constantly to evenly coat/saturate cereal. Set aside, and let cool for 5-6 minutes. Place hemp seeds on a flat plate or surface.
To form into balls: Fill a bowl with ½ cup of water. Dip hands into water, and grab about 4-5 tbsp of cereal mixture. Be sure mixture has cooled — it may not hold its shape if still hot. Form mixture into a ball between your hands, and then directly roll in hemp seeds until coated to your liking. Set the cereal balls on a large plate or sheet pan until you have them all formed. Be sure to wet hands between shaping to keep mixture from sticking to your hands.
Place plate/sheet pan in the freezer for 20 minutes, or until they properly set. Remove from freezer and dust with cacao powder! You can store them in an airtight container in the freezer or refrigerator for up to 3 days, if they last that long!
See the full recipe and blog post here.